Call for support

The 3 Ecologies project is an autonomous organization dedicated to participatory experimentation in research-creation. research-creation. It operates at the intersection of artistic practice, philosophy, and community engagement, building on the nearly two decades of experience of its former parent organization, SenseLab. Its aim is to catalyze the emergence of new forms of creative collaboration across disciplinary boundaries, and to disseminate the resulting “techniques of relation” for adoption by artists and social actors, for adaptation to their needs. …
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New Publication – Erin Manning, Out of the Clear - from Minor Compositions - paperback $24, free pdf Out of the Clear begins with the question of the clearing: What…
Cooperative Goats – and Major Donations!! - The farm of one of our local collaborators, Rémi Roy, has become something like a farm extension of the 3E…

Residencies !

Hi dear supporters! we have some room for residencies (includes rental but lower than market price) this summer if you’d like. Be in touch with Erin directly if interested ( The residency house is large (possibility of sleeping 8), looks onto a...

Beyond Defending

3E's Parapedagogical Techniques Fold Back Into the University in the form of a radically non-neurotypical PhD and PhD defence in Erin Manning recounts: The world shifted a bit on its axis today. We felt it when Mayra Morales spoke at the end of Xece Khadija Baker’s...

Ceramics – Pit Firing

Ceramics – Pit Firing

    Becoming-Earth – Sugaring off – Reading Groups – Artists Residency Program Becoming-EarthIn early October, with covid precautions in force, the first organized gathering took place since the beginning of the pandemic. 21 3E collaborators came together on the 3E...

New Publication – Erin Manning, Out of the Clear

New Publication – Erin Manning, Out of the Clear

from Minor Compositions - paperback $24, free pdf Out of the Clear begins with the question of the clearing: What operations are at work when land is cleared, or thought is cleared, of all that grows wild? Clearing, the settler-colonial act of defining a territory and...

Interview on 3E

Interview on 3E

Erin Manning and Brian Massumi discuss the orientations of the 3E Project and the transition from the SenseLab.

3Ecologies Books – New Release: Sweet Spots

3Ecologies Books – New Release: Sweet Spots

Sweet Spots: Writing the Connective Tissue of Relation by Mattie Sempert Free PDF - Paperback for Purchase Sweet Spots thinks transversally across language and body, and between text and tissue. This assemblage of essays collectively proposes that words—that is,...

Reading Groups


Thinking-Feeling Space, led by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi, continues the work of the primary reading group at Senselab (begun in 2004).

The Diagrammatic Thought RG started with the proposition of reading “Postulates of Linguistics” (Deleuze and Guattari) and has been going on since early 2018.

The Latrobe 3E reading group is currently reading Deleuze and Guattari’s 1000 Plateaus.

The Melbourne 3E reading group is currently reading Erin Manning’s book For A Pragmatics of the Useless.

More info on reading groups, including meeting times, can be found here.


The 3ecologies project is an autonomous organization dedicated to participatory experimentation in research-creation. It operates at the intersection of artistic practice, philosophy, and community engagement, building on the nearly two decades of experience of its parent organization, the SenseLab, based at Concordia Univerisity, a pioneer in the theory and practice of research-creation ( Its aim is to catalyze the emergence of new forms of creative collaboration across disciplinary boundaries, and to disseminate the resulting “techniques of relation” for adoption by artists and social actors, for adaptation to their needs. It seeks to operate as a “process seed bank” disseminating seeds of creative practice that can impart self-organizing momentum to outside artists, collectives, and organizations. The 3e project operates as an extra-university research and learning environment, according to the principles of a processual gift economy. It is dedicated to an ethos of radical openness. A nonprofit organization registered in Quebec, all of its activities are open to all and free of charge. 3e places special emphasis on creating a welcoming environment for neurodiversity, not only supportive of but positively learning from the normally undervalued experiential and perceptual worlds of pathologized and racialized communities. The perspective is ecological, in an expanded sense adopted from philosopher/activist Felix Guattari. The “three ecologies” are the social, the environmental, and the conceptual, as they enmesh in every event. 3e poses the question of sustainability in that expanded framework. 3e operates as a node in the international network developed by the SenseLab, which includes over 800 participants worldwide, with active local groups in Montreal, Australia, Brazil, and several locations in Europe, and formal partnerships with more than two dozen university and art-organization partners. Distance collaboration tools are used to cross-pollinate ideas and approaches between network members. Activities cycle between online collaboration and live participatory research-creation events of experimental format. The development of new digital tools for cycling between locally embodied and networked online interactions as part of an integrated “creative process engine” is a long-term goal of 3e.


L’Institut des trois écologies a pour mission d’établir et de développer un milieu d’apprentissage autonome et collaboratif, dédié à l’invention d’entrecroisements nouveaux entre la philosophie, l’art, et le milieu écologique. À cette fin, l’Institut expérimentera des techniques d’enquête innovatrices catalysant l’émergence de pratiques collectives autogérées.

Ces objets seront atteints par la pratique active de la recherche philosophique et de la création artistique en offrant un accès libre et gratuit au savoir par le biais d’activités variées, axées sur la mobilisation, la diffusion et la circulation des techniques expérimentales développées au sein de l’Institut, le tout sans intention de gain pécuniaire pour ses membres.

Les objets mentionnés ci-dessus ne permettent toutefois pas d’offrir des services d’enseignement.

Dans le but de procurer un support financier à l’atteinte de ces objets, les moyens d’action suivants sont employés : présenter des demandes de subventions gouvernementales, recevoir des dons, legs et autres contributions de même nature en argent, en valeurs mobilières ou immobilière et administrer de tels dons, legs et contributions, organiser des campagnes de financement dans le but de recueillir des fonds pour fins charitables.